Tuesday, 18/02/2025 - 16:46
10:57 | 01/09/2019

When, in the cornfield, yellow waves are rising,
The wood is rustling at the sound of soft wind,
And, in the garden, crimson plums are hiding
In pleasant shade of leaves, so shining ones and green;

When, spilled with fragrant dew in calmness of the alley,
In morning of a gold or evening of a red,
Under the bush, the lily of a valley,
Is gladly nodding me with silver of her head;

When the icy brook in the ravine is playing,
And, sinking thoughts in somewhat misty dreams,
In bubbling tones secretly tale-telling
Of those peaceful lands from which it gaily streams —
Then wrinkles are smoothing on my knitted brow,
My heart is losing troubles and distress —
And I can apprehend the happiness on earth,
And see Almighty in the heavens now…

Translated by Yevgeny Bonver
Edited by Dmitry Karshtedt, May, 2001

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