Saturday, 25/01/2025 - 17:43
10:57 | 06/03/2023

Top 10 Countries for Technological Expertise, Ranked by Perception

The Most Tech-Savvy Countries

Technology can play a huge role in a nation’s advancement in an array of key areas, from scientific innovation and health care to economic growth. The field can be a boon for countries striving to increase their status on the world stage, yet a stark technological divide also exists between many nations.

Technological expertise is one of 11 attributes used to develop an entrepreneurship subranking that factors into the 2022 Best Countries rankings from U.S. News. The overall Best Countries analysis is based on a survey of more than 17,000 global citizens, and assessed perceptions of 85 countries using 73 different metrics. In the survey, respondents answered whether they associated various countries with the words “technological expertise.” These perceptions also help form rankings of the best countries to invest in and the most forward-looking countries.

These are the top 10 countries viewed as possessing technological expertise, according to U.S. News. Learn more about how countries are assessed in the Best Countries methodology.


Technological Expertise Rank: 10

Best Countries Overall Rank: 3


Technological Expertise Rank: 9

Best Countries Overall Rank: 1


Technological Expertise Rank: 8

Best Countries Overall Rank: 36

United Kingdom

Technological Expertise Rank: 7

Best Countries Overall Rank: 8


Technological Expertise Rank: 6

Best Countries Overall Rank: 19


Technological Expertise Rank: 5

Best Countries Overall Rank: 2

United States

Technological Expertise Rank: 4

Best Countries Overall Rank: 4


Technological Expertise Rank: 3

Best Countries Overall Rank: 17

South Korea

Technological Expertise Rank: 2

Best Countries Overall Rank: 20


Technological Expertise Rank: 1

Best Countries Overall Rank: 6


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